Skin Care Myths You Should Know – Busted!
Over the past 8 years as a Small Business Owner..9 as an Aesthetician and 15.5 years in the Skin Care Industry, I’ve learned quite a lot! One of the best things about doing something I love is that education never stops. I’m truly ALWAYS learning and continuing to perfect my craft, and in turn help my clients even more as well!
I hear a lot of different questions from clients because let’s face it – there’s information overload out there and it’s hard to know what’s the correct method to applying skin care and what treatments to get professionally performed.
Here are 3 of the Top Skin Care Myth Busters you may find helpful!
#1 Myth: Less is More
Sometimes..less IS more. But other times..MORE is better! Certain skin types and conditions need to do more in the beginning of their skin care journey in order to accelerate correction. And some, especially with more advanced aging or pigmentation/oil control concerns, will need to continue to use more products than other skin conditions on a long term basis as well. However, there are those with more sensitivity concerns that do better when less product is used. So trust me – I’m not going to suggest that you add in to your skin care routine what you don’t need or take away what you do. I’m here to guide you through that process, and find the skin regime that best suits your skin needs!
#2 Myth:You shouldn’t cleanse your face in the morning – it will dry you out.
Well…this is certainly a myth as long as you are using the proper cleanser for your skin. If you’re using a pH balanced cleanser like those found in the Rhonda Allison Skin Care line, cleansing in the morning is KEY! You’ve just slept on a potentially dirty pillowcase with dirt and debris, hair oil and potentially even sweat on your face, so in the morning you need to wash it off. This important first step will also help the rest of the products you apply absorb better, therefore giving you more bang for your buck and value out of your skin care regime!
#3 Myth: I want to get ahead of aging skin so I need a chemical peel.
Not so fast! Do you know what a ‘Chemical Peel’ really is and if it’s good for your skin? They don’t sound so pleasant, but thankfully there are so so many advancements in skin care treatments that provide skin with rejuvenation and less downtime. Peels are great, but there are several types of peels I perform at Skinapeel – all customized to your skin type using a variety of enzymes and acids suited just for YOU! There are also no downtime peels, and I see amazing results with TAMA Microcurrent, Nanoneeding, and a combination of different treatments that will give you much less painful, more long-lasting results that are cumulative.
I hope these help! As always, I’m here as your Licensed Aesthetician and Skin Care Coach to give you the more accurate, up-to-date, and useful information based on your individual skin conditions, concerns and goals.
XO Your Aesthetician,
Kimberly Nicole