5 Tips to Get a Start on Healthy Skin for 2018!
To kick off the new year, I’m starting out with one of my goals…to write more blog posts for my clients and followers. So here you go!
I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy the challenge of seeing how I can do things more efficiently, get better results, and just be an overall happier, healthier person. There are some things we can’t necessarily change, however there are a lot of things we can change and have control over. One of those things is our wellness. Skin care is a big part of health and longevity. After all, it is our largest organ that lives and breathes with us and for us every day!
This year, instead of overwhelming yourselves with goals that you may not know how to reach, try taking baby steps toward a goal that you can achieve. This starts with incorporating simple habits into your lifestyle until eventually, it becomes second nature and you can’t live without it. As always, I’m here as your Skin Care Coach and Esthetician to encourage you to put your best face forward!
Here are 5 easy ways to improve your skin and make your New Year Skin Goals achievable:
1. Write down one thing you would like to work on at a time. Is it dryness, breakouts, redness, sun spots, lines, overall maintenance and health, etc?
2. Get a Customized Skin Care Routine from a Professional Esthetician (that’s what I’m here for!)
3. Cleanse and Moisturize at the very least. Using natural, yet scientifically-based line like Rhonda Allison is key for the best absorption and most efficacy. It’s like eating healthy for your skin! Morning and nighttime before bed are best.
4. Take deep breaths and drink 8, 8-oz glasses of water throughout the day. Stress and dehydration won’t do your skin any justice. If you have trouble remembering to drink water in your busy day, try using a water bottle, such as the Hidrate Spark bottle. It sends you reminders through an app to keep you on top of your hydration throughout the day! It’s a great way to make sure you’re taking in the proper amount of H20 and have fun with it too!
5. Wear a zinc-based moisturizer am. My favorites are Rhonda Allison’s eZinc Daily Protection Cream spf15, Sheer Tint Finisher spf18, and Daytime Defense spf30. It is not enough to just have in your makeup! Layering your mineral makeup like Oxygenetix foundation on top will however give you the most optimal protection against sun damage and aging.
I hope you’ll find these tips helpful as you start the New Year! Please comment below, and let me know what else you want to know about your skin!
Cheers to a healthy, glowing 2018.
Xo Your Esthetician,